Who we are
We are a team of researchers and activists working on Housing Justice. We research housing struggles in Greece, The Netherlands, Spain, the United Kingdom and the United States. Here you can find our research projects and results.
Marianne Maeckelbergh
Political Anthropology
University of Gent, BelgiumDemocracy, property regimes, activist ethnography, social movements
Carlos Delclós
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, SpainPrecariousness, citizenship, social stratification
Christina Sakali
Postdoctoral fellow
Political Economy
University of Gent, BelgiumPolitical economy, debtfare state, law, bankruptcy, housing financialization
Eva Swyngedouw
Post-doctoral researcher
Conflict and development studies
University of Gent, BelgiumHousing conflict, housing affordability, demolition and eviction
Aleksandra (Ola) Hall
PhD Candidate
Conflict and development studies
University of Gent, BelgiumRacial capitalism, asylum accommodation, citizenship stratification
Marta Ill-Raga
PhD Candidate
Conflict and development studies
University of Gent, BelgiumRent, tenants union, post-homeowning society
Theodoros Karyotis
PhD Candidate
Conflict and development studies
University of Gent, BelgiumDebt, rent, subjectivation, resistance, governance
Mirte Jepma
PhD Candidate
Urban Studies
University of Amsterdam, the NetherlandsJust Energy Transition, Alternative Housing, Resistance